Friday, June 16, 2017

Look who we found in the mountains of Montana!

Our friend, Shirlee!

For over 20 years, we have shared many adventures like travel, bicycling, hiking, camping and exploring (never let it be said that ABN and Shirlee were ever lost, they were always on an adventure.) A few years back, Shirlee, a medical lab tech, decided to be a travel tech and see the country. In 2015 she landed in Sheridan, Montana and found that she was home. We had to come out and see what was so special about Sheridan. Let us just say, words cannot describe or photos project the beauty of the valley surrounded by mountains.

Sheridan is a small town (population around 600) located in south western Montana.

To give you an idea of how small, Shirlee works at the 7-bed hospital. There is one grocery/hardware store, a post office, three restaurants, two bars (plus a new brewery) and a school (this year’s graduating class totaled about a dozen.) There are a few paved streets, but mostly the roads are gravel and dirt.  What you will not find in Sheridan is fast food, Walmart, high speed internet, big box stores, traffic lights; need I go on?
What is so special about small towns are the people; hard working, friendly and no pretense. These are the treasures visitors to our country rarely see.
The Wanderer was parked at Shirlee's friend's home in the country

Of course we had to have a little bit of adventure in the mountains.

Did I mention we had fun?
Since Butte was a mere hour and a half away, we drove over for a beer at Muddy Creek Brewery

and made a stop at Front Street Market (a really neat Italian market.)

Yellowstone National Park is only about 2 hours from Sheridan, so we did a little exploring over there. (Shirlee had experienced a recent stress fracture to her foot so we were not able to hike.)
Thousands of bison in the park.

After one last beer at The Sump we said good-bye to our good friend and her beautiful backyard.

We heard there is an Aggie over in Idaho, so we are headed that way to check it out.


  1. Glad you got to see Shirley. Looks like you had fun, but looks too cold for me. :)

  2. It really wasn't bad in the valley with daytime temperatures in the 60s and 70s.
