Thursday, December 24, 2020

Living Creatively During a Pandemic

With cooler weather, we can no longer socialize on the porch and patio, so we have turned to creative endeavors.

As the “pandemic era” Amazon packages started to arrive, ABN could not let all that packing paper go to waste. Out came the paint and glitter, 

and Christmas wrapping paper evolved.

And there was a bit of "upcycling."

Captain has been busy in his shop.

It is almost finished!

And then there is this,

As a fixer engineer, Captain comes up with creative ways to fix problems; the problem, frozen fig tree branches. Hopefully the solution is foam pipe insulation.

Last, but not least, with the help of another local sewer, 10 purses are en route to the Sew Powerful headquarters.

These purses will be distributed to 6th grade girls in Zambia after they finish their health hygiene class. Filled with feminine hygiene supplies, the goal is to encourage the girls to attend classes during their menses. Not missing a week of classes each month will give them a better opportunity to pass the exam that allows them to attend high school. If you have a sewing machine,  ABN would love to tell you more (she kept two purses for examples)  or you can visit the Sew Powerful website.

Taking a break from creating, we made the difficult decision to visit Captain’s mom during Christmas. This may seem a bit of hypocrisy, as we have been staunch supporters of the CDC’s COVID recommendations. We had a COVID test 5 days prior (which apparently was lost, but now found during shipping and results promised by Christmas Eve,) and we have pretty much isolated for the past couple of weeks. Sometimes one has to weigh the risk with the benefits. The major risk is to Mom and she certainly thinks our visit is worth the risk. And who can say “no” to their mom. 

 Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas.  May you find peace in the chaos of 2020.

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