Saturday, August 31, 2024

Marathon Road Trip 2024, State #4


Arriving in Green Bay, we parked The Wanderer in the parking lot of Ahnapee Brewery, our Harvest Host for the night.

Conveniently located next to the brewery is 888 Cheese & Co restaurant who delivered the best grilled cheese of our lives. Captain chose the PB Juan, Jalapeño, raspberry jam, maple pepper bacon, cream cheese spread, and cheddar cheese on grilled rustic Italian bread. ABN went with the GOAT,  goat cheese, fried crispy kale, garlic roasted portobello   mushrooms, caramelized onions on grilled multigrain bread. The sandwiches were large enough to eat half and save half. We woke up the next morning anticipating our evening meal!

After a good night of sleep, we had a slow morning waiting for the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame to open. 

While Captain toured the Hall of Fame, ABN did yoga in The Wanderer.


We heard about a restaurant in the Door Peninsula that had goats grazing on its roof, so we checked it out.

Sure enough!

Eating Swedish Pancakes at the Swedish Restaurant, Al Johnson’s, we had a good view of other tourists taking photos of the goats.

Door County with its harbor towns is enchanting (and touristy.)

Egg Harbor

Our home for a couple of nights was Wagon Trail campground in Ellison Bay. With lovely flowers, conveniently located to a nice little hiking trail that led to Lake Michigan and very quiet, it provided the respite we needed.

Photo permission granted.
This is where we encountered an inspiring young family that raise Monarch butterflies as a hobby. They brought their cage with them and released the ones that had hatched in the campground. The butterflies were tagged and named before their release. The young children were delighted to find some of the butterflies released the day before were still feeding on the Joe Pye plant. 

Did we say inspired? ABN is dreaming of adding a butterfly house to her habitat.

 It refreshes our souls to see young parents engaged in forming the minds of their children


With evening temperatures in the high 60s, we enjoyed ending the day around the fire pit.

Moving on, we had one more Harvest Host stay before crossing the state line. Expecting to pull into a brewery parking lot, have our obligatory beers and spend a quiet, relaxing evening in The Wanderer, this is what we found in Baraboo, WI.

Note, there are four other rigs in the lot, another one joined after the photo was taken.

Across the street was our host, Tumbled Rock Brewery and Kitchen.

Kitchen is on the left, brewery on the right and green space in the middle.

Perfect weather, live music, children playing, friendly locals and good beer provided a pleasant late summer evening.



One more to go!

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