Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Embracing the Change


With COVID-19 and the potential for wildfires, we had no doubt the plans for our Summer 2020 Adventure would change. Those changes led us to discover new areas and new experiences.

Our return trek from the California Sierra Foothills across Nevada and western Utah, mostly on America’s Loneliest Highway, was uneventful. Once on I-70 East the drive became much more interesting.

Entering Colorado we parked The Wanderer in an orchard at The Peachfork Orchards Winery, a Harvest Host stay near Palisade.

We had a most engaging conversation with Phil, the owner, wine maker and fruit grower who happens to be from a small Kentucky town about 100 miles from our home. In addition to peaches, he grows grapes, apples and pears which he sells throughout the area and beyond.

The drive through Colorado was stunning!

It just happened that we were there at the peak of fall color.

We also saw the damage from the Grizzly Creek wildfire in August.

A little change in our plans to visit friends led us to White Star Campground nestled in the aspens and evergreen forest near Twin Lakes.

Look closely and you can see The Wanderer.

We were happy to, once again, get into our hiking boots and hike about 5 miles along the Interlaken Trail.

Finally we arrived at the beautiful mountain home of our friends, Steve and Adele

where we parked The Wanderer for a few days.

Words can’t describe and photos don’t do justice to the beauty, but here is a glimpse of their little piece of utopia.

Their solar array provides all their electricity needs.

Passive solar heats their new greenhouse.

Nearby Arkansas River

Surrounded by mountains on every side, hiking trails abound. Considering that we are flatlanders living at near sea level, Steve and Adele were considerate to take us on trails they considered to be relatively flat.

Road leading to the Continental Divide Trail Head

The best part of our travel adventures are the new friends we make along the way. We met Steve and Adele in Arizona in the winter of 2018.

We have stayed in touch and have gotten together as often as our paths can cross. We consider them to be among our dearest friends.

Getting away from the smoke was very much welcomed. Apparently the “shortness of breath” we experienced was due to elevation gain and not the first signs of COVID!

Spending time with wonderful friends in an imposing place was the perfect finale to our Summer 2020 Adventure!

Heading east, mostly on I-70 through western Colorado, Kansas and Missouri was a bit quite boring but we did have a refreshing respite at Cousin Joy and Shannon’s home in Lindsborg, Kansas. 

Thanks to Joy and Shannon, Coronado Heights is now checked off our bucket list!

Summer Adventure 2020 has come to an end.  For us, adventures that lead us to new experiences and to friends and family with whom we can share good wine is "living richly." 


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