Sunday, August 30, 2020

The "Bubble" is No More

The Wanderer followed Team Chuck and Linda into Oregon where we found blue skies and clean air. They led us to beautiful Silver Falls State Park near Silverton. Claiming to be the “Crown Jewel” of Oregon, the park has hiking trails to 10 waterfalls. Over the 3-day stay, we hiked to all ten.

The trails and falls were beautiful!

Like many small towns we have visited, we found the agri-community of Silverton and the surrounding area to be quite charming. We especially like the generous and trusting nature of rural folks.

"Self Serve, Please put money in box."

Dang COVID kept us from exploring as we would have liked, but didn’t keep ABN and Linda from finding The Oregon Garden. (Chuck followed along to take photos while Captain stayed at the RV park and did laundry.)

Neighboring the garden we discovered The Gordon House, one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unisonian designs for middle class families. Think “form follows function.” 
Of course it was not open for tours.

Located nearby is the Gallon Bridge so named because, during prohibition, folks could go to a house nearby and buy a gallon of spirits.

While looking for the bridge, we stumbled upon the small Bavarian town (Pop. 3500) of Mt. Angel, complete with an Abby, Bavarian style restaurants and a Glockenspiel. Apparently it is a prime location for Oktoberfest with over 300,000 folks attending (not this year.) Once again, COVID allowed us a glimpse but not a full exploration (We must return!) We were lucky to find a Bavarian restaurant with a large outdoor patio so we could safely enjoy our first restaurant meal since early March.

Mt. Angel Sausage Company
Our “bubble” dissolved as we parted in Silverton. Chuck and Linda returned to their home in Kennewick, Washington while we parked at Hood Park Campground on the pretty Snake River in Burbank, Washington for a little R & R and some “social distance” wine tasting at Red Mountain. We are definitely developing an appreciation for the Washington bold reds!

Hanging out with friends in a bubble was a wonderful reprieve from home isolation.

Friendship is one of God's greatest gifts!
As we continue on our Summer 2020 Adventure, we will continue to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 by avoiding crowds, social-distancing, frequent hand-washing and wearing a mask in public places.

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