Sunday, January 19, 2020

Let the Winter 2020 Adventure begin!

Well actually the adventure began about a month ago when we left home. Yep that was us you saw sitting on the side of Hwy. 45 near Mayfield. Remember the tire issue we had last fall, after having new tires put on The Wanderer? Well we continue to have tire issues. Apparently there is a slow leak for which no one can find the cause. (Fingers crossed, the leak was around the valve extender which Captain tightened.)

In addition, the check engine light came on putting The Wanderer in the hospital garage for about two weeks. She was discharged after a new transmission temperature sensor was installed and the transmission serviced. Fortunately this happened while we were in College Stations so we were able to stay with Mom during the confinement.

And then there was the drive shaft on the towed vehicle that didn’t want to engage when we were in Fredericksburg over New Years. After multiple attempts (and a few choice words) it engaged. Captain lubricated all the moving parts and, so far, it is working fine.

The Wanderer has a new water pump replacing one that was leaking.

Our College Station stay was not as much fun as usual because of Suddenlink. If you are not familiar with Suddenlink Cable Service, we hope that never changes for you. Mom has had a “code 225” digital signal interruption causing intermittent outages for a few years,  getting more frequent and for longer periods of time. When she missed 2 field goals and a touchdown during a football game, she had had enough. Long story short, many phone calls to tech support, 3 trips to the Suddenlink office, 4 service calls, new cable boxes and new cable lines, the problem continues. We left her in the hands of the last service technician, Jose Perez. Jose is a bright young man who is determined to get this resolved.

With sadness, we made a trip to Tyler to say good-bye to Captain’s lifelong friend, Christine, who passed away in her sleep on New Year’s Eve. We hugged our College Station friends and family a bit tighter when we said good-bye this time.

In our frustration, we questioned if we were suppose to continue our travel adventures. Starting our journey west, we stopped at a Harvest Host winery in Fredericksburg. Sipping wine at Messina Hof Winery, we looked up to see another Lazy Daze had pulled in behind us. 

We took that as a good omen as you rarely see a Lazy Daze in Texas. (They are a cult, you know.)

However, when ABN’s jacket caught fire while she was fixing dinner, we had second thoughts about the omen. (No worry, she wasn’t injured and Captain refrained from saying “I told you so.” Admittedly, on more than one occasion he requested ABN to turn the flame off when reaching for dishes above the range.)

Our desire for adventure overruled our hesitation, so we are motoring through West Texas.

We have had a full day with out a beep from the tire sensor, no “check engine” light, no evidence of a water leak and Mom reports she has watched sports all afternoon with no disruptions.

And we saw another Lazy Daze on the road!

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