Sunday, September 1, 2019

Resort of the Divine

An all-natural summer resort and short term residence for some of God’s most beautiful creatures, tended by ABN with help from the Captain.

Opened about 13 years ago, the complex has been home to squirrels, raccoons, mosquitoes, bees, birds and a few butterflies. Renovation to attract more butterflies and hummingbirds began about a year ago. We are pleased to see these beautiful little creatures checking out the accommodations; we hope the resort meets their approval and they (well, actually their offspring) will return next year. Let us show you around and introduce you to some of this year’s guests. We would ask you to excuse the messiness, but actually the messiness is part of the plan.

The 24 hour buffet provides an assortment of nectar; in addition to the zinnias, our guests can choose marigolds, Black-eyed Susans, honeysuckle, lantana, dianthus, petunia, milkweed, and various other delicacies. New options are added to the menu frequently (ABN keeps our local nurseries and garden centers in business.)

Reproduction is not only welcomed but encouraged; offspring are provided nourishment of dill, parsley, blueberry bush, milkweed, dandelions, Morning Glories and any of the many weeds they find tasty.

The maintenance area,

building supplies (We pride ourselves in using recycled materials.)
Supplies are currently low due to major construction projects.
and water treatment plant

are located in the back of the complex.

Divine Resort is a summer resort but should our guests wish to leave their offspring over the winter, they are welcome to hang out here.

We have observed and recorded six different species of butterflies visiting over the summer. We would name them but undoubtedly we would misidentify and open ourselves up for correction (and perhaps negative reviews.)

Several hummingbirds have stopped on their way north and on their return to the tropics; hopefully they will consider staying over next summer.

We are proponents of diversity and all most cultures are welcomed

We have to admit, we are not exactly inclusive; we have been known to remove squirrels and raccoons when they insist on vandalizing the property or are excessively greedy. And we are guilty of attempted eradication of mosquitoes.

While the resort is promoted for butterflies and hummingbirds, we do enjoy other birds that stop in for a bath or for a snack.

A new market being developed adjacent to the resort will offer 3 varieties of milkweed, some Bridal Tears, more Black-eyed Susans and perhaps some surprises. 

Conveniently located next to a major breeding ground reproduction center,

 we anticipate an increase in guests and short term residents next season.

Some of our guests are returning to warmer climate, others are hanging around to enjoy a bit of fall. Of course some are looking forward to snuggling up in cocoons for the winter; most will bid this earth good-bye.

As for us, the Northeast is calling and we must go. First stop, Percy Priest Lake near Nashville.

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