Sunday, March 2, 2025

On the Road Again!

Our little town was spared the devastation of heavy flooding in our area in mid-February. We appreciate all of you who checked in to see if we were okay. Your friendship is priceless!

To escape the winter blast that followed the flooding, we left a day earlier than planned for our Arizona trip. Instead of our normal westward trek, we directed The Wanderer south toward Birmingham, and then west through, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and New Mexico. Limiting our mileage to roughly 250-300 miles a day, the journey from home to Arizona took ten days, including a couple of short breaks and sleeping mostly in parking lots.

One of our overnights was at the lovely, secluded Askew’s Landing campground near Edwards, MS. It begged us to go for a long walk, but due to the breezy 28 degree temperature we stayed in.

Stopping over in Captain’s hometown of College Station for a couple of nights, we had a nice visit with good friends. 

Three days later, our two day break was in City of Rocks State Park in New Mexico.


Finally we arrived at our destination! Lost Dutchman State Park, Apache Junction, AZ


In February we took our annual Memory Lane trip where we remembered ABN’s son, Darin.

Toasting Darin's birthday with his brother-in-law, Brett and wife, Shauna. 

For those of you who may not be aware, Lt Col J. Darin Loftis lost his life in Kabul, Afghanistan on February 25, 2012, three days after his 44th birthday.

He thought he had the prettiest mom in the 2nd grade!

With best friend and confidant, Beauregard. 

Best memories are those of him parenting. He was so good at it!

The love of his life.

First Car
If you did not have the chance to meet him, or if you want to hear his voice one more time, click here to view a short (about 5 min.) New York Times video documentary. 

Our memories include those of you who were with us during our profound grief.  We will never forget the outpouring of love that sustained us during those dark times.

We are taking a three week respite in Arizona before trekking the approximately 1500-1600 miles back to our home.