years young! Yes, Captain’s mom is as vibrant as she looks! Living
independently, she does her own housework, keeps friends and family in cookies,
always has a peach or apple pie (made from scratch crusts) in the freezer,
walks 1- 1 1/2 miles a day (depending on heat and humidity,) and is, in
Captain’s opinion, is a safe driver. (She passed her self-imposed driving test
by having Captain ride with her.) By winning 12 out of 30 games of
Three-Handed Pinochle, she is the reigning champion of the June 2021 series. (There is no
letting-win or handicap points in this family even if it is your birthday!)
It was so good to be back in Texas sans masks! Hugs and drinks all around at Carney’s Book Club.
After a tour of our British-Texan friend, Anne’s, garden,
we joined her and her husband, Don, for wine and conversation on their porch.
are back home, ready to bring our garden back under control. (Looks like a bit of pruning,
dead-heading and staking needs is on the agenda.)
If we look a bit younger, it is due to spending 10 consecutive days in the “sauna” of College Station, compliments of Mother Nature.
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