Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Marathon Roadtrip 2024, State #10


We are a long way from home! We have been here before, so why did we return?


If you have sipped wine on our patio, you have probably enjoyed a glass of Cooper Wine. We first discovered the wine while on a wine expedition in 2017. We enjoyed the wine so much we returned in 2020 and joined their wine club. When we got an invitation to a party, we said “YES!” and The Wanderer joined 50 other rigs for a weekend of wine, food, music and camaraderie.

The party started on Friday evening with a pig roast .

That didn’t turn out as planned!. Plan B was grilled hamburgers.

Saturday, along with 500+ fellow club members,

we strolled the vineyard sampling a variety of wines and an assortment of food trucks.

Saturday's entertainment was provided by local bands including a fantastic community high school steel drum band.

Sunday’s entertainment was watching all the RVs navigate the complex parking as they disembarked. The driving skills were quite impressive!

The best part of the weekend was sitting around the fire pit, visiting with our neighbors Kathy and Chris, from Seattle, while sipping very good wine and listening to the bands.

As much fun as we had at the festival, it was not the highlight of our Washington visit. The best part was catching up with our long time friends, Linda and Chuck.

Although they do not care for wine, they chauffeured us to Walla Walla for a bit of wine tasting.  We had so much fun as we shared stories and remembered the past. We only wished we could live in closer proximity.

We had heard, through the grapevine, the wines from Walla Walla were exceptional and we were not disappointed. Of the three wineries from which we sampled, Moonbase with its Syrah from the Rocks AVA ,as well as an engaging host was our favorite.  Yes, we have some on board.

Today The Wanderer made a left turn and we are headed south.








  1. Where are you headed now? I love following your adventures. I’m driving ti St Louis Sunday via Paducah. It’s for Ryan’s soccer scholarships award ceremony. Enjoy your adventure!

    1. We are in Willamette Valley, OR doing wine tastings. Safe travel to St. Louis.
