Monday, February 1, 2016

A Bit of Wandering

While we were in Bisbee last week, we wandered over to Sierra Vista to meet up with fellow Gold Star parents, Heather and John. We met them at a TAPS retreat for parents of fallen heroes a few years ago. They graciously took time out of their busy schedules to show us around Fort Huachuca. An old army cavalry post, it is currently home of the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command. 

As we often mention, meeting up with friends as we travel is food for our souls. This is especially true of spending time with friends sharing a similar grief journey. (We forgot to have our photo taken until we were about ready to part, so we did a selfie; sorry to say it was not flattering to any of us, so no photos here.)

Tombstone is only about 20 minutes from Bisbee, so we drove over one afternoon to check it out. As one can imagine the historical town is now a tourist attraction with re-enactments and lots of souvenir shops and other enticements to get in the tourists' pocketbooks.

However, Boot Hill was rather interesting. 

We noticed most of the graves were dated in 1881 and 1882; deaths were most 
often due to murder, shootings, hangings with a few due to diphtheria, over dose with chloroform during child birth and suicide.

It is quite windy, cloudy and cool here at PicachoPeak State Park, so we are being quite lazy today. ABN is having a pajama day, doing arts and crafts. Captain, well so far Captain is catching up on sleep. The 30-40 mph wind last night rocked The Wanderer and sleep for him was hit and miss. The weather is supposed to improve over the next few days, making it much more tolerable for exploring. 

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